VR w8

According to our game design document, Sensory, Cognitive, and Affective are the three most touched on areas of engagement as seen below:

Area of Engagement –

  • Sensory – visually while tell you when and what to interact with on the control panel, but more importantly the scares will be movement in the dark and sounds around you to scare the player
  • Cognitive – as the game goes on the player should me more anxious, expecting things that aren’t there
  • Affective – the game is meant to scare the player, make them worried and afraid of what could be on the sub with them

For the past sprints for the PhobiSub game this is what I had completed for each week.

  • Week 1
    • Created a general list and library of sounds based on what I assumed what would be in the game with several variations of those sounds for options.
  • Week 2
    • Expanded upon the library with a few extra sounds along with bringing all of the sound files into Pro-Tools cleaning up, editing, trimming, equalizing, and normalizing each file individually and naming them with a recognizable scheme for easy use (ex. AMB_UNDERWATER_CLASHING_DEEP) and bounced them all as .MP3 and .WAV files. Along with this created a sheet that has the original file name, the newly named scheme, a description of the sound and what it is intended to be used for. The google drive folder can be accessed here to listen to them.
    • audiolistaudiofiles
  • Week 3
    • Implemented the audio files appropriately within the Unity project for what we had available currently. Many of various sounds that I had created were not used as we had not reached having some of the features that they were intended for or were cut due to certain audio files being preferred over some of the other options I had made.
  • Week 4
    • Attempted to go through the steps to get the game running on the Samsung Gear VR, but was not successful due to needing my phone’s id through an external program that I could not get to launch.


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